High Quality, Family Owned

Nate Jameson

Anna Jameson

Nathan Jameson
Brite Leaf Citrus Nursery is located in Lake Panasoffkee, Florida, located about 1 hour north of Tampa. We are a family owned and operated containerized citrus nursery. Our primary customer has always been commercial grove owner. We have been selling to commercial growers since 1998, and have been involved in the citrus industry for many years prior to starting our nursery.
We are involved in many aspects of the citrus industry. Our long-standing love and respect for the industry has led us to be active in associations to help improve citrus nursery production. We are members of the FNGLA (Florida Nursery Growers and Landscape Association) and Florida Citrus Mutual. Nate is an active member of the International Society of Citrus Nurserymen and has recently helped organize the National Citrus Nursery Grower’s Association. A bit closer to home, Anna serves on the Sumter County Ag Alliance and the Sumter County Farm Bureau Board of Directors. Nathan is an active member of Florida Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers.

High Quality Citrus Trees Direct To You
We recognized that many homeowners like to have fresh fruit in their own yards, so we began selling to homeowners and garden centers in 2000. Because we also sell our young citrus trees to commercial growers, they are of top quality. We pride ourselves on supplying high quality citrus trees with the right rootstock to insure a hardy tree and hand-budded with the right variety to produce great fruit.
We started our first website for direct to homeowner sales back in 2001. We offer a large variety of orange, lemon, lime and other exotic citrus varieties.
We personally answer your questions concerning your order, our trees, or your trees that are already at home. We think you’ll appreciate our personalized service and you can have comfort knowing that the actual citrus tree grower is answering your questions. Our commitment to quality shows and we know you will be able to see this in our trees.
What Customers Are Saying
We are NOT a retail nursery, so do not have open visiting hours. We are not staffed to accommodate drop in visits. Please call before coming to pickup an order.
Due to the diseases that affect citrus trees, we cannot let visitors inside the greenhouses to select trees. We appreciate your respect of our rules to protect our livelihood.